Saturday 13 January 2018

A Winter Sunset

A Winter Sunset

The gentle onset of an ignorant cold
Over the fast fading amber-orange warmth
On shivers transmitted by a perverse breeze
Permeating all, unhindered by fabric
Unhindered by the very skin that clings
Laid bare to the bones and the blood
Yet, surprisingly gentle - a tease

The clouds conspicuous by absence
As the urban stars are being lit up
The Orion of jogger track gardens
The Great Bear of the snarling expressway
The moon is a billboard of gourmet cheese
There will be nothing beyond soon

The slowness of it all, and suddenness
Probe the finality of absence
As each weakening ray lingers on memories
Lingers on what could have been
The warmth of hope, fading

This transformation is a riot high up
The fringes of the western sky deepening red
The east lost to its own deepened dark

The hallowed inner consciousness
The only warmth on offer

The winter sun, slowly sets


© Parched For Rain