Wednesday 28 June 2017

The Driftwood Gamble

The Driftwood Gamble

It's a gamble one takes
To be unstuck from his world
Lose semblance of reality, past
A tree, if one may consider
That frees from the soil
And unto a river has itself cast

And a tree it is called no more
Driftwood it is now, afloat
This river guided by the earth
In whose currents the tree sheds
Every last leaf that may later rot
Or feed many a fish in mirth

And then onto the ocean deep
Casts the river its pile
To toss and turn and shimmer and burn
Forever floating amid flotsam
On the blue-green vortex of tides
Under the eyes of the moon and the sun

That is a gamble one takes
To be unstuck from his world
Against hope of a glorious day
When this driftwood may touch
A foreign soil and take root
Birth a new life, a new way


© Parched For Rain